- 2021-05-20: Two projects I led at Google AR are highlighted in Google I/O 2021.
- I developed a feature that decreased the CPU usage of ARCore motion tracking (SLAM) by 36%.
- I created a new algorithm that reduced ARCore tracking resets by 28%.
- 2020-11-28:
Two U.S. patents are granted for my previous work on Autonomous Driving at Honda Research: "Sign based localization" and "Monocular localization in urban environments using road markings".
- 2018-02-20:
A deep feature learning work by my summer intern (Kun He) is accepcted to CVPR 2018. Good job, Kun!
- 2017-10-09: I joined NVIDIA's Autonomous Vehicle Group.
- 2017-09-05:
A paper on asynchronous visual-lidar SLAM is accepted to ISRR 2017.
- 2015-07-01:
Two papers on RGBD odometry are accepted to IROS15
and ICCV15, respectively.
- 2015-06-04:
I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation.
- 2014-08-31:
I just finished my internship with Honda Research Institute USA. Thanks everyone at HRI for this great summer.
- 2014-01-13: A paper on high level landmark-based visual navigation is accepted to ICRA 2014.
- 2013-06-15: I am honored to receive the Student Travel Support for CASE 2013 by NSF.
- 2013-05-25:
I have two papers accepted to CASE 2013.
- 2012-10-16: Accompanying Dr. Dezhen Song, I attended the kick-off meeting of a US Army STTR project collaborated with Kitware at TARDEC.
- 2012-05-15: I attended ICRA 2012 and presented a technical paper (slides) at St. Paul, MN.
- 2012-01-06: A paper I co-authored is accepted to ICRA 2012, the robotics community's premiere academic conference.
- 2011-12-05: I joined Upsilon Pi Epsilon(UPE), the first and only international honor society for the computing sciences.
UPE was founded in 1967 at Texas A&M University (see Texas A&M Chapter).
- 2011-10-30: I passed the PhD Qualifying Exam taken on Oct. 14. I'd like to thank the three exam committee members!
- 2011-08-28: My homepage moved to Dept. of CSE, TAMU.